Gather The Fragments

Founded in 2009 by Stephen and Laura Holt, Gather The Fragments Bible Mission, Inc. (GTFBM) is in the beginning phase of a long-term project. Our objective is to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the native people of Sierra Leone as well as the larger region of West Africa.

There is currently a wide gulf between Biblical Christianity and the beliefs and cultural norms of West Africa, and it is going to take time to bridge that gulf. The legal and financial structure of GTFBM was set up from the very beginning with the understanding that Stephen and Laura Holt are there to prepare the ground and plant the seeds of The Gospel. In time, others will take their place to tend that ground, and Gather The Fragments will be there to support the work.

The Mission structure and belief is that churches should be self supporting and established by indigenous pastors; our focus is not that of direct “church planting” but rather equipping locals to plant, pastor, and propagate churches by providing the training and materials necessary for them to be successful.

GTFBM also holds to the belief that the Mission should not be encumbered by debt, making purchases and advancements only as the Lord provides funds. Nor does GTFBM engage in fund raising, making our needs known only to the Lord and waiting for Him to provide as He sees fit.

Stephen Clay McGehee is Vice President of Gather The Fragments Bible Mission, Inc.


For more information, please see our web site.


The joy of knowing what the baptism of a believer really means
The joy of knowing what the baptism of a believer really means
The baptism of a believer. Baptism is a public profession that one has put his full faith and trust in Jesus. It is a symbolic washing away of sin, but the act itself does nothing more than make a public statement that one is now a Christian.
The baptism of a believer. Baptism is a public profession that one has put his full faith and trust in Jesus. It is a symbolic washing away of sin, but the act itself does nothing more than make a public statement that one is now a Christian.
Stephen Holt teaching the people about Jesus Christ.
Stephen Holt teaching the people about Jesus Christ.



Getting there isn’t always easy.


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