Adjutant Workshop, Inc.

ad·ju·tant – noun: one who assists; esp: an officer who assists a commanding officer by handling correspondence and keeping records.


Founded in 1995, Adjutant Workshop, Inc. develops political campaign software for candidates, political action committees, lobbyists, and others in the field of politics and persuasion, and provides database filtering, manipulation, and analysis for specific projects. The emphasis is on the “nuts and bolts” of maintaining an effective, smoothly running operation by providing you with the tools necessary to do the job quickly and efficiently. Our main program is Campaign ToolBox – a software package used for filing financial reports in Florida, Kentucky, and Pennsylvania.

Adjutant Workshop, Inc. is owned and operated by Stephen Clay McGehee. Our name was changed in 2012 from Adjutant Software, Inc.

For more information, see the Adjutant Workshop web site and the Campaign ToolBox web site.